Using “vintage” pretty liberally, this is the current state of my collection of older computing hardware. At this stage of the game, vintage means generally unable to run modern computing workloads, and is loosely 15 years of age or older. This doesn’t mean these aren’t useful, but they are incredibly unlikely to be used for work.
- Macintosh 512K Enhanced [512Ke] (1986)
- Macintosh IIfx (1990)
- Hard Disk 20 (1985)
- Commodore VIC-20 (1980)
- Commodore SuperPET (1981)
- Commodore B128 (1982)
- Commodore 64 (1982)
- Commodore Plus/4 (1984)
- Commodore Amiga 1000 (1985)
- Commodore 128 (1985)
- Commodore 128D (1986)
- Commodore Amiga 500 (1987)
- Commodore Amiga 3000 (1990)
- Commodore Amiga 3000T (1991)
- Commodore Amiga 4000 / 030 (1992)
- Commodore Amiga 1200 (1992)
- Commodore Amiga CD32 (1993)
- 2031 Disk Drive (1982)
- 1541 Disk Drive (1983)
- SFD-1001 Disk Drive (1982)
- 1581 Disk Drive (1987)
- 1080 Monitor (1985)
- 1084S-P Monitor (1988)
- 1960 Monitor (1992)
- ThinkPad 701C (1995)
- ThinkPad 755CX (1995)
- ThinkPad 560X (1998)
- ThinkPad X40 (2004)
- Stearns Desktop Computer (1983)
- Zenith Z-Station LC (1995)
Mobile Technology
- 3650 (2002)
- E61i (2007)
- E7 (2011)
- Lumia 521 (2013)
- 3310 3G (2017)
- Dream/T-Mobile G1 (2008)
- Desire Z/T-Mobile G2 (2010)
- Velo 1 (1997)
No longer in the collection
- Apple eMate 300 (1997), sold in 2019
- Apple Macintosh LC (1990), sold in 2022
- Power Macintosh G5 (2003), sold in 2023
- Commodore 128D (1986), sold in 2019
- Commodore Amiga 500 (1987), sold in 2019
- 4040 Dual Disk Drive (1980), sold in 2021