Released: 1982
Discontinued: 1984
Operating System: Commodore BASIC 4.0
Acquired: October, 2019
Serial: 002720
This Machine
- MOS 6509 CPU at 2 MHz
- 128K Dynamic RAM
- MOS 6581 SID Audio, 3 voice synthesizer
- 68B45 CRTC Video, text only, 80×25 with PETSCII graphic characters
- Full-sized 102 key QWERTY keyboard with numeric keypad and 4 direction cursor
- PET2SD IEEE-488 to SD Card adapter
- Ports:
- IEEE-488 Parallel
- 25 Pin RS-232 serial
- Datasette
- 5 Pin Video/Monitor
- CBM-II Expansion/Cartridge connector
- RCA audio out
- Commodore B128 Service Manual IC Crossreference
- Commodore B128 Service Manual Jumpers, Ports, and Lines
- My odds and ends on GitHub
- Commodore CBM-II at
- B128 Schematics, manuals, and firmware at
- Steve J. Gray’s The Commodore CBM-II Page at
- Edward D. Shockley’s Commodore B Series at