Do you use TextMate?
Do you use TmCodeBrowser?
Do you use MooseX::Declare?
Must be a pain that nothing shows up the side pane when you start using it. It was for me.
Open ‘~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/PlugIns/TmCodeBrowser.tmplugin/Contents/Resources/.ctags.tmcodebrowser’ in a text editor. Add the following:
--regex-perl=/^[ t]*(class)[ t]+([^ t;]+)s*[ t]*[{;]/2/c,class,classes/
--regex-perl=/^[ t]*has[ t]+'([^ t;(]+)'/1/p,property,properties/
--regex-perl=/^[ t]*method[ t]+([^ t;(]+)/1/m,method,methods/
Reload TextMate.
Bask in the awesome.